Posted: Oct 6, 2024
Clinics in podiatric medicine texts
Various text books on anatomy, physiology ,dermatology and chiropody and partial set of clinics in podiatric medicine free for pick up. Contact
Posted: August 20, 2024
Equipment for sale
Downsizing office. Various Podiatric and office equipment for sale.
Plynth chairs and operator chairs, storage units, filing cabinets , waiting room chairs and desk.
Please email
Posted Nov 22, 2023
Chiropody Instrument sets available for purchase.
Total of 25 sets of instruments, all in excellent condition, maintained very well with no rusting or abrasions.
Minimal wear and tear. Each set contains nippers, Diamond Deb and Black's file.
Additionally, blade handles (#10 and #15) with blades and drill burs for dremel available.
Disposable gowns and booties also available. All reasonably priced.
Please contact Monica at 416-670-1967 or